The symptoms of course were that the traveller was wanting less to slide and becoming more difficult to shift and generally getting more stiff - which in turn becomes more of a handicap when racing.
The starting point was to take down
the headlining in the aft stateroom and head/shower cubicle underneath the traveller. Let me tell you from the outset that this was the most time consuming and awkward part of the job. Always working in a confined space, the temperature rises along with the fiddly nature of the work.

This part accomplished we moved topsides to remove the sheet lines from the traveller block and sheave of the traveller and secure the boom off. this meant that the car could slide freely along the traveller rail. All eighteen heavy duty screws were removed from the traveller rail so we could then lift the rail away from its
position. The end caps were prised off so that we could then slide off the car. As you can see from the image, the bearings (four each side, totalling eight) were in pretty bad shape with constant wear and corrosion over time having taken their toll.

In preparation ahead of time new bearings had been located which were five millimetres underwidth of the old ones. The reason here was that the difference in diameter was to be made up by pressing on a composite material called Delrin. This was done by Polymer Engineering in Mona Vale, Sydney for a paltry sum of AUD20.00 including a spare set! The

These were easily placed into position on their pins and the car slid back onto its rail. The track was then firmly remounted in its position on the bridgedeck. Two Harken sheaves were purchased at AUD50.00 each and positioned at each end of the track and using the existing cleats. The lines were fed back through and the car tested for smoothness of operation. Needless to say, it worked beautifully and with the composite 'Delrin' material the car ran very smoothly.

The boat has been out racing several times since the refurbished car and traveller was refitted and to date is performing very well indeed. Composite materials are used so widely these days, especially so in sailing and yacht building that there is no reason to suspect that the Delrin coated bearings will not give many years of stirling service.
You can read more about sailboat equipment servicing, maintenance and refurbishing in my ebook 'Voyage of the Little Ship Tere Moana' downloadable from my website http://www.sailboat2adventure.com
The traveler car pictured looks exactly like the one I have on my 1978 Newport (C&C) 41 MKII. The shackle U (or rectangular; gone, can't tell) bolt on top exploded from metal fatigue under load and I'm looking to repair the car. The backing nut sets flush within the underside of the car and accepts the bolt threads from above. It's a thin hex head deep threaded (NSF probably) nut. Do you know where I can obtain nuts and bolt? Who is traveler manufacturer. My tag is worn.
Many thanks!
Bob S/V Siesta dos
This yacht has been around for quite a long time, and for it to be in great shape is remarkable! Good thing though that you didn’t have a difficult time looking for parts for replacement. Now, you can secure a safe sail with the worn-out parts replaced by new ones. Have a safe journey!
Arthur Greene @ CMM
Now that it has been a few years, is the delrin on the traveler bearings still holding up? I have a similar vintage traveler, but smaller (only 4 steel rollers on bronze bushings that I am in the process of overhauling. since mine is much smaller, I am considering just going with Delrin rollers and not using the steel rollers/bushing setup.
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