Sunday 10 February 2008

Celestron Sky Scout

Here is a nifty piece of technical equipment for stargazing. It will very quickly identify bodies in the night sky and be of great assistance for astronavigation using celestial bodies other than the sun or moon.

One of the most difficult things about getting into astronomy is having the information about each planet, star, or nebula available while you are star gazing. Not only does the Celestron SkyScout put that information at your finger tips, but it will also show you where each one of those objects are.
The SkyScout will tell you what object you are looking at.
SkyScout tells you when you are on target.
The SkyScout personal planetarium puts the knowledge of an expert astronomer in the palm of your hand.
240 x 80 Graphic LCD display with red LED backlight.
GPS alignment

Astronomy is a really great activity that has tons of benefits and really no downfalls, except maybe sleepless nights spent star gazing. There is the opportunity to learn great things about our universe; although, there is so much information to learn it would be impossible to learn it all without a lifetime of study. Celestron calls the SkyScout a personal planetarium and it is truly full of a planetarium worth of information.

The SkyScout will not only tell you about the planets and other celestial bodies, but it will also show you where they are. As you look into the SkyScout it will show you which direction you need to go, and indicate when you get to the object you want to see. The SkyScout contains information on 6000 Stars, 1,500 Double & Variable Stars, 88 Constellations, over 100 deep space objects including Galaxies, Nebulae & Star Clusters, and over 200 audio descriptions of the most popular celestial objects.

The SkyScout contains an LCD screen that is used to display information about each object you view, to select objects you want to view, and display all other information. The headphone jack allows you to hear as the SkyScout speaks out the information about each object you view.
In order to make sure the SkyScout points you at the correct object it uses GPS to align itself to your current location. GPS alignment is performed every time you turn the SkyScout on. This ensures that the SkyScout is always accurate when you use it.

reproduced courtesy of JusTech'

You can read more about Astro navigation in my ebook 'Voyage of the Little Ship 'Tere Moana' which can be downloaded from my website

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